
― independent, private, selective DANA FELIKO a fandomless oc as written by ROXY

FULL NAME.    Dana Feliko
ALSO KNOWN AS.    Black Cat, Kitten, K
AGE + BIRTHDAY    25 years l august 9
TRUE AGE    4 life cycles old
ZODIAC.    leo
GENDER.    female
PRONOUNS.    she/her
ORIENTATION.    Biromantic / Bisexual
OCCUPATION.    Phantom Thief
SPECIES.    human ?
BODY TYPE.    curvy and fit build / D cup at chest
HEIGHT.    160 cm
WEIGHT.    tbt
    CLOTHING STYLE        best described as casual sporty and functional. Her default outfit is usually either a pair of easy to stretch denim jeans or running pants, paired with a comfy breathable turtleneck sweater and a puffy waistcoat with generous pockets to fit lots of nifty stuff and tools.
    EYE COLOR        golden
HAIR COLOR + STYLE.    brown hair reaching her back with straight bangs on the right side of her face. Her hair is usually styled into a high ponytail with 2 small braids framing her face, one on each side.

BIRTHPLACE.    redacted
CURRENT HOME.    redacted
LANGUAGE(S).    english
absent mother and father - status unknown
Oliver Page - father figure
( orphanage principal ) dead
SIBLINGS.    DeeDee - adopted little sister
OTHERS.    the orphanage kids
    PET(S).        black cat - Scap
POS. TRAITS.    protective, confident, caring, athletic, sneaky, resourceful, supporting, a shoulder you can cry on, witty, brave, charming, observant, proud, passionate
NEG. TRAITS.    stubborn, headstrong, foul-mouthed, violent, short-tempered, aggressive, cocky, materialistic, alcoholic, impulsive, reckless
LIKES.    alcohol, money, cats, shiny things, more money, food and to eat a lot, sweets
DISLIKES.    cops, any kind of restrictions, being told what to do, rich people, veggies
Ichika Hoshino, Mikoto Aketa

    Going back to her childhood     , Dana was an unwanted child. Her mother gave birth to her at the age of only 17, she was scared and very unprepared to care for a child, so after talking with her parents, they decided to leave the newborn girl there.The hospital staff took care of the baby until they could transfer her to an orphanage. Dana grew up to become a very energetic child with a big love for sports. She was quite a handful and a troublemaker, always the one to get into fights because of her stubborn and at times bratty attitude. Always so straightforward and with a big foul mouth, but she was still seen and adored as the tough big sister that protected all the children in the orphanage.Her stay at the orphanage was mostly uneventful, until the time she was 16 years old. It would be around that time that a member of the staff would try to trap Dana in the sports room to do unsavory things with her. Fortunately because of her feisty self she managed to escape the hands of that man, delivering some fists to his gut, groin and face, she managed to run away and go straight to the principal's office.    The principal     of the orphanage fired the man that attempted such an unforgivable disgusting act, however, that would only result in something worse. The principal was a very sweet old man that loved all the children from the orphanage with his whole heart, and Dana always saw him as the father that she never had.

He was the man that offered her the love and support a father would and was a huge pillar in her life. He was also the one to manage to pull some strings for her to get an apartment and be able to live on her own when she turned 18. She was working a humble job as a cashier and it seemed like she was finally going to start her life as an adult on a good note. However, she lost everything as fast as she gained it.== Not even 4 months after she moved into her apartment ==, she learned that the principal had died in a car accident. That completely broke her. The one pillar of support in her life was gone, it felt like everything was crumbling before her and she just didn't know what to do next, so she turned to bad and addictive habits to escape the pain of her loss. She did not show up to work anymore and therefore got fired, she fell behind on bills, she turned to alcohol every night and day but something that will change and decide the course of her life, she would turn to thievery and the rest would be history. Stealing anything she can or anything she wants would be her life now and quickly she became a very skilled thief. Turning from stealing to survive into selling her skills and working with the biggest mafia groups and just anyone shady or not, that was willing to pay.    Of course     , choosing a life of thievery meant that she also would never have a stable home anymore and instead she would have to live her life always on the run, from place to another.

THE TALE OF 9 There is a tale about a girl. The girl would be fated to her end by being hanged and burned when the sun will fall down. On the day she will meet her end, her soul was so desperate to turn her fate around that it caught the interest of something, something that was willing to rewrite her fate. The girl turned up her soul in exchange for her to live further on instead of accepting her unfair end here, her wish came true and she wrote her new fate.Your soul is now forever shackled under my possession, and in exchange, i shall from now on be your companion and lend you my strength, i shall be the one to find you again and again in each life that you awaken to, and, on the dawn of your 9'th life i shall claim your soul fully and you shall close your eyes one last time.I shall meet you once more [ redacted ] reborn in your new life.THE FIRST ITERATION, THE START [ redacted ] was born to a poor life as she was an unwanted pregnancy. Her mother was a prostitute in the red light district that was performing services under a house that was only average in popularity. In the industry of pleasure-seeking, if a prostitute gets pregnant then it is a huge risk to both her life as there were no safe ways to abort a baby in those old times, but also her career. She would not be able to entertain the customers due to feeling sick and if word got out about the pregnancy then the woman would also lose customers as they would feel betrayed, and in such a disgusting industry like this, the finely red painted lips of your rivals would be ecstatic to spread around the poison in order to kill your social power and popularity. Those were basic rules that one should follow they want to stay alive with the red light district as a woman. So due to that, [ redacted ]'s birth was kept a secret as best as everyone in the pleasure house could and after she was born, the owner of the house took her under his care and posed her as a child of his and his wife. [ redacted ] was raised by the owner's wife until she was 8 years old, and at that point, she was put to work as an attendant to another one of the women that were performing under the house. They did not place her to work for her actual mother because they feared that even tho they had never met, that there could still be the possibility that one of them might feel a familiar bond between them and they can't afford to let the woman get distracted and potentially spin bad thoughts in her mind.And so, [ redacted ] spent the rest of her life working as an attendant for prostitutes in the pleasure house. Her life was not that nice, since she was plunged into work from a young age, she did not get to have a childhood but she made it work with whatever she had. She would do the laundry, help the performer change her garments, help her with makeup, her hair, just get her ready and beautiful, she would clean everywhere she was told to the best she could and she would just live her life as a servant. The prostitutes were sometimes rude and aggressive which earned her a few bruises and scratches but that is just a bump in the road and she needs to move on. She would often eavesdrop on some conversations the prostitutes had with their clients, all those stories that they told about their travels and such, it made her golden eyes sparkle and her mind race with an abundance of thoughts overflowing, about all those amazing sights and places and people they are describing. Perhaps one day she would also be able to get out of here and see those places.[ redacted ] was not the only child working of course, it was a well known practice that the poor family of that place would sale their daughters off to these pleasure houses to either become prostitutes or if too young, to work for the house. So there were many young girls that worked as attendants and in fact one prostitute had at least 3 attendants to take care of all their needs at any time. [ redacted ] saw the other girls working in the house as her family, her sisters, and they also thought about her the same way. [ redacted ] would always share her meals with the girls, gather them around so they can eat together, play together, she would patch their wounds and take care of them while they were sick. The other girls would see [ redacted ] as their only caretaker, their big sis that makes everything better and safe.[ redacted ] had always tried her best to be the positive smile in her sister's life and promise them many things, however she would soon learn that she would not be able to fulfill any of those huge promises. Something not known to the public was that the pleasure house was practicing the worship of a certain powerful deity. They would have a special shrine and would pray to it regularly for health, wealth and beauty, and while worshiping a deity and dedicating shrines to them was nothing strange, the way the owner of the house went about it was the thing that often incited concern. Rather than the way a normal person would pray, the man would go to lengths too high and dangerous, making sacrifices too grand. It was a cult essentially, the prostitutes that would be too old or ended up with a blow to their reputation, would be sacrificed for the deity, and the ones that stayed alive would not say a word due to fear of being next and some perhaps even a delusional and twisted belief that maybe the sacrifices would work and their praised deity would let their gaze fall down on them and offer them the power and beauty that they dreamed. At least that is what the owner would brainwash them with, as his true goal was to make enough sacrifices in order to summon the deity and make a contract with them, leaving everyone behind as they were just mare tools after all.Time would pass and the owner would get more and more impatient, the sacrifices were not enough, he needed to do something else, and so he decided. The deity often took the form of a huge cat with golden eyes so, since a cat has 9 lives, he would pick 9 girls from his house and sacrifice them all in one night. One soul for each life so that everything is filled, the deity will surely be pleased. [ redacted ] was part of that group.Everything from this point on in her mind is like a heavy blur, hazy images of her poor sisters screaming in pain and agony as they were killed in all kinds of ways, of how everything was red, of the terror and anger she felt at that moment. [ redacted ] was left to be the las one to be sacrificed, as she was special, she had the same pair of golden eyes as the deity was rumored to have so she would be the most precious one to offer. She would scream and struggle with all her power, but she had none, she was weak. She was just a poor and weak girl, no matter how hard she tried to make everything work, no matter how much she pushed forward and survived, god, why ? Why are you punishing her this horrible way ? What did she do wrong ?Why
Why is everyone so cruel and twisted ?! I hate you, i hate you, i hate you all ! Even if it's the last thing i'll do, i swear to anything that i will kill you all the same horrible and painful way that you killed us all over and over and over again. No matter what, i will deliver my curse upon this word, until then, my hate towards this world will not let me rest !!!Dark, angry and desperate were the thoughts in her mind before her last breaths. Such a caring and loving child, so strong to stay sweet in the face of her poor life, now nothing more but a being made of pure anger and hate towards this world, poison mixing in her blood as she stares blankly forwards, she does not have any more power to stay alive, as she can barely make out the shape of a certain black cat with golden eyes watching everything from the entrance door.

    DEEDEE     is a homeless 8 year old girl that Dana had bumped into one day on the streets as she was running away from a group of officers on her tail. The little girl showed quick wit and ran in front of the officers, keeping them busy with her sob story and giving Dana time to get enough distance from them so that they would lose her completely once again.The next time she has the chance to meet the little girl, she confesses that she saw Dana once in a fight with multiple people and admired the way she kicked everyone's ass and managed to escape in a blink of an eye. The girl says that she also wants to learn how to be as skilled as Dana is in getting in and out, escaping from stuff and fighting so that she can sneak into shops to manage to get some food for herself.Dana would've normally never in her right mind get a child to take care for, not with her deeply dishonest and dangerous life. That is not a proper life for any child and one would deserve better. However, as the girl was expressing her wish to learn the same skills as Dana, something just tug to her beaten-up heart. While she would've not take her, Dana thought that she also can't just leave this poor girl on the streets, especially since she was quiet smart for her age, for being able to play up a diversion on purpose in front of the police.So Dana would end up taking the girl under her wing, she would give her the name DeeDee and she would come to be like a little sister to her, that Dana would forever treasure and would be able to throw away her own life just to see her smile and be happy and have everything she needs.    SCAP     A little black cat with the same golden eyes as Dana that assists her in almost all her shenanigans. Scap just like Dana shares a love for shiny things and he often comes back to Dana holding either a random necklace or a bracelet that he managed to get his paws on. An agile little cat that can swiftly sneak into every nook and cranny and does whatever the fuck he wants. The perfect partner for Dana if you ask her.Together Dana DeeDee and Scap are a small little family that will scam you out of all your money without you even realizing it.


― independent, private, selective DANA FELIKO a fandomless oc as written by ROXY

MAIN.Her main verse in which most of the interactions with modern times will take place. Dana is a renowned ( phantom ) thief under the identity of Black Cat. She is mainly offering her services to mafia groups and anyone shady or not that is willing to pay a good price, whatever you need to be stolen she will bring it to you in a blink of an eye, be it an expensive treasure or priceless info. Anything has a price. As a thief, she is leaving her life on the run, always traveling from one city to another. Along in her adventures, she has her little adopted sister DeeDee and her magic familiar Scap that presents itself as a black cat. This verse can have minor details changed around if we plot something but that is the bare bones of it.TWISTED WONDERLAND.The mirror of darkness, an ancient artifact, pristinely preserved and displayed for the public to admire as the main attraction of the grand [redacted] museum from [redacted] city. It is one of the most mysterious artifacts that the city had managed to acquire, it's origin is unknown and it's status its kept just much of a hushed secret by the museum's headquarters. Nobody knows how or when the staff found this ancient mirror, even more strange and curious is that not even the conditions in which it was found are known. Was it found underground ? Was it bought from an auction ? Nobody knows the origins of the dark mirror and that mystery surrounding the artifact is what it earns its highly acclaimed popularity and with such prestige, you'd expect that the mirror to have the highest security around it, and yet, that is not the case. The mirror is just hanged on a wall, with a red tape separator placed around it.Despite a complete lack of security, no thief that broke in with the intent to steal the mirror, ever managed to succeed or......even be seen again since. The mirror had gained the rumor of " the cursed mirror of darkness " within the mafia and interlope groups and had become quite the topic of discussion for the powerful leaders of said groups. A competition to see who can manage to get recognition and notoriety of being the first one to successfully steal the all-mighty cursed mirror.That is where Dana would join this story. With her reputation as one of the best stealing cat around growing, she would get jobs bigger and more dangerous and complicated. The bigger the job the bigger the pay so she'll naturally accept, however, this one would turn out to be the last job she would come to accept with such a cocky confidence. Dana got tasked with trying to steal the mirror of darkness and with a pay that will secure her a whole year worth of money, she accepted the job.
Going through the museum's general security was nothing but a breeze, however, it was when she came face to face with the mirror that she, like many before her got confused by the lack of security. So she treades carefully, thinking that there might be some lasers that are not visible to the eye. She used all the tools she had with her, yet she did not manage to see or find any security placed on this mirror.
Seeing herself out of options, she proceeded to just take the mirror and stayed with her senses sharp and alert, ready for a fight in case any random forces jump out of nowhere. She reaches out her hand towards the mirror, there is nobody to jump and attack her, but there happened something. The mirror suddenly started to display the image of some kind of dark thick fog that quickly started to pour down from the mirror itself and with it, there was a hand reaching out. While her reaction was quick it was still too late, the last words Dana heard before she lost consciousness were" come, take my hand, this will be your last punishment "The next thing she knows she wakes up in a coffin and a strange man with a weird bird mask is talking to her. She is no longer in her world, but in Twisted Wonderland.GENSHIN IMPACT.
A traitor fatui agent that only has loyalty for the ones that aid her interests the best. Dana was an orphan child that lived on the streets for most of her early childhood until she was “ rescued ” by the House of Hearth, a shelter founded by “ The Knave ” . During the time that she was roaming the streets, Dana had learned to fend for herself from as young as 6 years old, she learned to steal, to quickly get in and out, be agile and quick and defend herself if worst came to be. It was perhaps due to these impressive abilities that she was one of the “ lucky ” children to be taken in by the house. She was a child with potential, unfortunately.
The House of Hearth is not so much a true shelter for the children, but a facility to find and train children into becoming new fatui soldiers. Dana went on to be raised and trained and when she eventually came of age, she was given her first mission and officially been enrolled into the fatui forces. Due to her skill, she quickly managed to climb up in rankings and from a simple fatui soldier, become a fatui agent with a few subordinates as her squad/team. She is working under The Knave but since is common for different factions to work on missions together, she would also be of service to other harbingers.She sees The Knave as both the worst person in the world but also in a very sick and twisted way, one of the most benevolent and kind souls. It is due to the fact of being raised in the House in which is very common that all children love and cherish The Knave as for them all, she is a savior that offers them shelter and a big family, which is exactly the aim of the shelter, to garner unconditional love from children and therefore have the swear undying loyalty to the fatui. A disgusting kind of emotional manipulation of the weak and vulnerable souls, and so they grow up with a toxic attachment to this said “ home ”. Dana as well despite walking a fine line of being killed herself for not executing some orders and acting on her own acord, she is still chained to the fatui and to the knave as she and the house of hearth are her only family she ever knew, even if she is the one she hates the most, she would still be loyal to the knave.
Princess Anabelle D'or Von Blumiberg was described as the beckon of hope for the [ redacted ] kingdom. A sun-kissed angle that can lift anyone's spirits, the room would become brighter when she walks in to greet everyone and the nature would bloom with beauty every time she took a stroll outside. She was a princess beloved by every heart in the kingdom, which is why the day that the great tragedy happened, the whole kingdom was in complete chaos. The day that the royal palace was attacked and Anabelle was kidnapped, that day everyone's heart froze with terror as they all wept and prayed to the gods for their beloved blessing to be found and brought back safely. Their wish did come true, the princess was rescued and returned, however, she was forever changed after that fateful encounter, which is something the people could never fully understand, so i will tell you some things that the local stories that spread through mouth failed to teach you about that event.Going back a rather long time, Ana ( not the princess in the story ) was raised in an orphanage and lived a simple uneventful life. She was an energetic, foul mouth but nurturing girl, the big sister figure for all the children in the orphanage. She was capable and independent and had a great affinity for sports and physical activity, which made her develop and interest in the royal knights and just the idea of knights in general. She wished to become a knight one day, and protect as many people as she could. Sadly, fate planned for her wish to come true in one cruel way. At the age of 5, Ana was taken in by a group of mercenaries that had attacked and took over the orphanage. She pleaded with tears in her eyes and hics from her chest for the scary people to not hurt her brothers, sisters and all her moms and dads there. The mercenary group did not attack this random orphanage just because they were bored, in fact they chose it because of Ana herself. They had observed her promising fighting skills and decided that they will take her in, so that they will train her to be their fighter for a huge plan in the future. So they did not kill anyone, and told the 6 year old that everyone will be safe as long as she agrees to come with them, and live under them from now on, training to become one of their finest warriors. And so with no other choice, she gave up her freedom and went with the group in order to keep her one and only family alive and safe.Years pass, and her training are going perfectly and so when she turned 14 years old, it was time for the plan that they had been preparing for so long. Ana was escorted to the royal palace and there had taken part in a rigorous selection for the next line of royal knights and as one would think, she would pass the selection with impressive ability. The plan was to have Ana infiltrate the royal palace, earn everyone's trust so much that she would be promoted as either the Emperor's personal knight, or the Princess' personal knight. Gather as much info about the Princess as possible, then at the right time, the group would kill the princess and instead push Ana to talk with the grieving emperor and suggest for her to play the role of the deceased princess so that her memory will not fade so soon. From there they can assert their power through her and have the whole kingdom in their hands.For the most part….things went according to the plan. Ana quickly became one the most praised and cherished knights of the royal place and also quickly got along with the young Princess so she was promoted to serve as her personal knight. This was just as the group wanted, the two of them become so close they would be inseparable, which was also the fatal error that was going to soon become the group's own end. Ana became very attached to the princess, to the point that she saw her as her own sister. They shared laughs, cries, good times and hard times, she started to love her as much as she loved her family at the orphanage and that is where everything started to fall appart. The more he heart grew closer to her, the more fear started to rise to her mind because she knew what will happen. She wanted to warn everyone, she wanted to save her, but if she dared to go against the group, then her other familly will all die………..She could feel her heart bleeding and hurting so bad in her chest. She would have horrible nightmares for a while about the day, she would see Anabelle dead numerous times in her dream and always rush to her room an tears, hugging her tightly as if she would lose her the next minute because as far as she is concerned, that is very much the truth. She felt like a worthless disgusting demon that doesn't deserve to live or ever smile, with each praise she got she would not even spare a fake smile anymore at this point, she was not capable anymore, the time was near and the fact she can't do anything about it was eating her alive every second of her life. she had lost her will to live completely and that placed a great sadness with the princess' heart.Princess Anabelle was not all as naive as one may think, she did notice a lot of strange things about Ana, she also knew that she would never hurt her but she knew she was fighing some dark demons, and she could not bare to see her fight them alone. So without telling Ana, she did some investigating about her situation. Time passed some more and the dreaded night came. The princess was enjoying some tea in her garden, golden eyes glanced over the beautiful rainbow of that day. On the other side, Ana had broken down, her mind went completely blank and she did not care anymore about anything at that time but Anabelle. So against her orders from the group to stay away from the Princess, she frantically ran towards the garden, desperately screaming her name. She pulled her into her arms and a rain of arrows descended onto the garden. The arrows pierced through Ana but it didn't matter to her, what it matters is for her to shield Anabelle at all costs. The princess screamed at her to stop but she didn't listen, the screams, the agonizing pain, nothing made her budge even an inch, she would just sit firmly and act as a human shield. When the last arrow had fallen to the ground, she managed to scramble that last of her power in order to tell the Princess to run, run as fast as she could and never look back. Anabelle refused, she would rather die than leave her behind in this state. Ana gritted her teeth and pushed her away, saying louder " GO NOW, RUN ALREADY "However…..in her hazy vision that was threatening to go blank soon, she failed to see the lead of the group being right behind them and so she practically pushed Anabelle right into his arms where she met her end and was killed. Ana did not scream, she didn't even move, the inhumane shock that overtook her when she realized what she did only pushed her into the darkness and she passed out. The shock paired with the very serious wounds that she gained put her into a short coma of 3 days after which she finally managed to open her eyes and the first person to welcome her back to life was the leader of the group…. who posed as her guardian so that he can get in freely to talk to her. From that point on everything is just a blur. Her mind was so broken, so traumatized that she was barely present anymore and her brain would REFUSE to let her remember anything from that discussion in detail. It was only a mess of bits and pieces: Anabelle is dead, you will go to the emperor, talk…..you will pretend to be the Princess, you will always report to me and enforce my commands.So you see, everyone in the kingdom will tell you that after scary day, the princess had become the opposite of what she used to be, she was no longer a warm angel. She was cold, sad, stoic, she smiled but only out of politeness. She was not the ray of sun that she used to be….and that is because the real Princess is dead and the one standing before the people now is only a fake traitor. The Emperror was devastated by grief, weak and vulnerable at that time so he accepted Ana's offer to pretend to be the princess because he was desperate for his beloved daughter's memory to not end here. So the only people knowing about the Princess being fake are the Emperror, the head of the knights and Ana's " guardian "Fastforward to the present, Ana is 19 years old and each day she is living it being consumed by guilt about solely being alive. Why… why, WHY, why is a parasite like her alive, she should've died back then, Anabelle should've lived !! She should've been able to experience her homecoming ball, she should've been happy and grow into a splendid woman, she should've…..been alive. Instead….i stole that, i stole her life, i stole her happiness, i stole everything from her. She was nothing but the sweetest angel to me, to everyone and yet….yet i did that. I killed her, i took her away from everyone, i am the most disgusting demon to live, if i was not born….if only i was not born….she would've been alive, she would've smiled right now and laugh and……..Such were the thoughts that would forever torment her mind, the only thing that she could do now was to make her legacy count and never tarnish her name, and only adorn it with more accomplishments and praise. So while she could not maintain her angelic aura, she did manage to paint Anabelle as a more capable princess than ever before.Right…All praise the Princess Anabelle D'or Von Blumiberg…..

VANITAS NO CARTE.Dana was a child born to a middle class girl that had her child as a result of a secret affair. Her father had arranged her to marry a noble's son and she could not have a say in it, her role as the only daughter was to find a rich husband and be married off to him so that she can in turn her parents would get a part of the money too. She went along with it despite being miserable, however, she would have her own lover that she would spend most of her time with in secret. She had made a mistake and got herself pregnant by him and was too scared to try to attempt to pass the child as the child of her legitimate husband, so she tried to hide the pregnancy and then when the time came, she went to a small cabin, assisted by some nurses that her lover knew, and she gave birth there. After the child was born, she took it and put it in a basket and left it at the door of an orphanage. She was too scared to take care of the baby but also did not have the heart to not give it birth so that is the solution she came up with.Dana grew up in the orphanage her whole life, she had grown up to be known as the protective and cool big sister of everyone, the one the children see as their protector, safe space and role model. One particular little girl named DeeDee that was constantly battling with illness due to her imuno condition, had grown more close to Dana than anyone else. The orphanage was not in such a good conditions, the building was old, the rain would get inside easily as well as the cold, in other words, it was a pretty though life for the children no matter how hard the staff tried. These conditions pushed Dana to start stealing more and more until she developed quite an impressive talent for it and soon, the money she would get from her odd jobs and hits on rich people, would be the main source of survival for the orphanage. Nobody from the orphanage knows about Dana being a notorious thief except for the orphanage's director Oliver.One fateful night, hell came down upon the orphanage and the place was attacked by vampires. Everyone from staff to the children was devoured. Dana was holding DeeDee tight in her arms, running desperately through halls painted in red, corpses of poor children scattered all around the place. It was a pure and mind-breaking nightmare. The chaussures came in time to save the two of them and from that moment on, she went ahead to start training to become a chaussure, filled with burning rage towards the monsters that had massacred everyone that she loved right before her eyes. She wished to make to bring the worst suffering upon them, the same way these disgusting monsters did for the poor innocent children. She wanted to justice for herself. DeeDee had also been taken into the care of the chaussures while Dana was training. Due to them saving her life, Dana had always kept them in high regards, seeing them as the saviors of this world, however that will soon change.One day, Dana would have learned that this whole time DeeDee was not under the chaussures care but rather, she was taken away by doctor Moreau and had been one of his test subjects this whole time while she was training. Unfortunately she had found out too late as that very night would be the night Moureu's lab would be destroyed by Luna. That moment something snapped in her once more, the people that she trusted the most, the ones that gave her a chance to a new life, the ones that offered her to power to protect the innocent ones from the monsters that are the vampires, those people had turned out to be no different and be as twisted and sick as the very thing that they are fighting against. This betrayal had scared her for life once more. Ever since then she had abandoned the chaussures but kept her weapon and stole a huge stack of those enhancing drugs. She would go on to be a lone vigilante that does not work the church anymore, she would hunt down both vampires and humans as they are both monsters. She would keep on delivering her own sense of justice. She identifies herself as a monster hunter, not a chaussure anymore, she will hun anyone that she deems a danger no matter if human or vampire.Her goal is to find Moreau and kill him for what he did to DeeDee.OF PAST LIVES.[ redacted ] ah, i mean Kana Yomeshinu, was a girl who was born to a poor family. While her family was not bad or abusive in any way, they were desperate and so when the opportunity came they sold off Kana at just 6 years old in order to both gain some money to survive and with the thought that she would have a better and more comfortable life, with food and a chance to education if they gave her to the man in fancy clothing that had knocked on their door. So with a heavy heart but a shred of hope in their hearts, they sold Kana to the man and then had never seen her again. The man was a scouting agent for a pleasure house in the red light district, and was on a mission to gather a new wave of kamuro girls ( little girls servants for the main prostitutes of the house ).From the age of 6 until she was 14, Kana grew up in the pleasure house, working as a servant for her designated prostitute but also doing chores in general for the house, like every kamuro does. Her childhood there would be pretty much uneventful, since she didn't know that there is much more to the world besides the walls of the pleasure house, she would just do her job and make the best with what she has. She was a sweet, bright and cheery girl, hard working and often neglecting herself in the process, she had a tendency to put other first and she would be known as the big sister for all the kamuros living in the house.On the night of her 15'th birthday is when her whole world would change, as on that night, the owner of the house had gathered 9 girls before the shrine that stood in the back garden of the house and is there that everything will be painted red. From there everything is a painful blur, with agonising screams of her sisters filling up her ears until she couldn't hear anymore. The horrifying pain surging through her body while blood pours out of her. The loud thoughts of poisonous vengence and rage that her mind would scream but her voice could not carry because of the pain and the life pouring out of her. Oh how she wished to kill this rached world, to send it into an eternal curse to suffer as much as she does now, anything, she wanted to be alive to punish them over and over again, she wanted to be alive to be the one that takes THAIR lives instead. And perhaps is that fierce wish that got the attention of the god watching, as a golden glow would shine among the red, as she sees the shape of a cat before she closes her eyes forever.Or so she thought.The sacrifice the owner had made worked and she managed to summon the god they have been worshiping, however instead of recognizing him and offering him any rewards, the god turned towards the last girl to give up her breath, he took Kana's bloodied body from the ground and in a blink of an eye, he became one with the darkness of the night and disappeared. Kana's soul was pulled back into the living realm and she woke up facing the said god that she was sacrificed to. From there, the once cheerful and sweet girl now a hateful shadow of her former self, agreed into giving away her soul for a contract.Kana would become the head ' priest ' of a shrine dedicated to the god, the shrine would act as an inn that would aid travelers from anywhere that were tired and needed a place to stay, and also as a tample for praying towards the said god. She would develop a reputation as the kind-hearted priest that lead the tample, however what the guests would not know is that anyone that would stay over at the temple would have some of their life energy taken away from them, which was the price that they would have to pay in order to stay but nobody knew they were signing up for. The way you'd feel your head and boddy getting lighter after staying a while at the tample, that was because part of your soul was left behind there, but nobody questioned it, after all, it felt so good to be light of burdens.The god would now walk around the temple in the form of a black cat as Kana's familiar as per their contract, she would nickname him Scap.And so Kana continued ti live as the priest of the kuro shrine, gathering life energy for Scap to feed on, while she would gain riches and punish the cruel scums that would earn her anger and would not let herself be weak again. All the price of her own freedom.


― independent, private, selective DANA FELIKO a fandomless oc as written by ROXY


    SPLITCARDS.     Cater Diamond, romantic
    FIREANDFAE.     Malleus Draconia, annoying friend
    JINANREONA.     Leona Kingscholar, annoying friend


    MURAENIDE.     Jade Leech, a fucking leech that's for sure friend
    URL HERE.     character name, as written by alias
    URL HERE.     character name, as written by alias